Residents in the Broadhurst Manor area of Horsted Keynes will soon see an improvement in their water supply with a £250,000 investment by fresh drinking water supplier South East Water.
The project will see 1.2km of aging water main replaced along Chilling Street and Broadhurst Manor Road. This is due to start on Monday 24 October, and is expected to take five months to complete. It forms part of South East Water’s £433 million five year investment programme which includes the replacement of these unreliable water mains.
Jeremy Dufour, Project Manager for South East Water, said: “We know how frustrating and disruptive burst pipes can be. As a main starts to reach the end of its working life, it can become unreliable, and this is unacceptable to us. When this happens, we schedule it in for replacement or reinforcement. However, such work can take time to plan, particularly if road closures are required.”
Work to replace the main will be carried out in two phases, with Chilling Street and Broadhurst Manor Road being closed to through traffic. The first phase will be from Broadhurst Manor to the junction of Broadhurst Manor Road and Chilling Street. Phase two will be from the junction of Broadhurst Manor Road and Chilling Street to the entrance of Restlands Farm. Some work will also take place in private land.
Jeremy continued: “Whenever possible, we do try to minimise the impact, and road closures are always a last resort. However, in this case, a road closure is vital to ensure the safety of the public and our team while we install the new pipe.
“I would like to thank the community in advance for their patience and understanding while we carry out this essential work.”
Jim MacIntyre, South East Water’s Head of Leakage Operations, added: “I’m delighted to see another project to replace an unreliable water mains about to start.
“Although the majority of bursts and leaks are repaired, where we have a consistently unreliable water main, engineering projects such as this scheme in Horsted Keynes are vital to improving our infrastructure.”
Although the project is expected to take five months to complete, there will be a short break in works over the Christmas period to prevent disruption to festive plans.
The community will be able to keep up with the latest on the project at southeastwater.co.uk/broadhurstmanor