The shop at Lewes House on the High Street will be open from 15 October.
The annual pop-up shop will be run by volunteers until 17 December, with a wide range of cards and gifts - all raising money for local and national charities.
The charity aims to raise a total of £500,000 across the country this Christmas, to support more than 70 charities
Cars for Good Causes is a charity which has operated for more than 60 years. Supported charities include Diabetes UK, RNLI, British Heart Foundation, Alzheimers UK, Epilepsy UK, MS Society and a host of local charities.
The Shop Manager at Lewes ays: "We can't wait to meet everyone this year in our shop! Please come volunteer with us, or come and get your Christmas gifts whilst supporting the charities of your choice. I wish everyone a very festive Christmas and hope to see you soon!"
Find more details about the charity and a list of all stores on their website.