Repair Cafes are becoming more and more popular!
It seems unbelievable that Chailey Repair Cafe first opened as long ago as August 2018.
Since then, they have tackled nearly 3000 repairs (yes, they do count them!) and operated a drop off service during lockdowns.
The café now has 38 skilled volunteers, and as many as 160 people have come each month.
On their best day, they tackled a remarkable 90 repairs in 3 hours!
Chailey Repair Café is part of a world-wide movement where volunteer experts repair things free of charge – although a donation towards running costs is invited.
Anyone can bring along broken items or clothing needing repair from home and have a cuppa and a cake and then watch while your repairs are done in front of you.
Where else can you bring your clocks, lawnmower, teddy bear, radio, laptop, 100-year-old doll, music box, lamp, or zipper to be repaired? That’s just a fraction of what the team looked at last month – they do love a challenge!
You’ll find them at St Peter’s Church, Chailey on the A275 at Chailey Green normally on the second Saturday of each month (14 May but please note June’s date will be the 18th as there is a wedding at St Peter’s on 11th and we thought we might get in the way….)
The café is open between 10am and 1pm where there is a full Café service including legendary cakes!
The café are delighted to have been invited to attend Chailey Bonfire Society’s Sussex Day fete on the afternoon of 18th June at Markstakes Corner, South Chailey – do come and say hello!
Contact the café at chaileyrc@gmail.com and they will see what they can do to help.