East Sussex young carers enjoy a much-needed break

Eleven young carers from East Sussex recently enjoyed a two-night residential at the YHA South Downs hostel, with the Young Carers Team at Care for the Carers.

Young carers provide care and support for a family member, including siblings, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to illness, disability or age, and can involve physical and/or emotional support. 

As the trip was in term time, young carers who are home schooled (and would not benefit from school trips), and those who have a high-level caring role but attend school, were invited.  A huge thank you to those schools who gave permission for these young carers to take part in this trip. 

The activities were organised and led by SoSussex, part of Schools Without Borders, and included a very long walk up a hill (accompanied by some of the inevitable moaning, but an awesome sense of achievement once at the top), a campfire, science challenges, arts and crafts and team games.  It was a jam-packed few days full of laughter, chatter and the forming of friendships.  

All the young carers had a great time and want to return! 

We asked the group about what they were taking away from the residential, and the responses clearly demonstrated the value of a few days away from their caring roles.

Young Carers Action Day held on 12th March, is an annual event organised by Carers Trust to raise awareness of the pressures placed on so many young people. This year’s theme was ‘Give us a break’, focusing on the importance of regular respite for young carers.

Jennifer Twist, Chief Executive at Care for the Carers says, “Here at Care for the Carers we provide regular clubs, outings and activities to ensure young carers in East Sussex get access to high quality, supportive and fun respite.  We are very grateful to the YHA for funding the residential trip. It was wonderful to be able to give these young carers a chance to make new friends, experience exciting activities and have a break from their caring role.   Our aim is to ensure that all young carers have a chance for fun, relaxation, laughter and friendship.”

 “Our Young Carers Service is for all young carers aged 5 to 17 years, living, attending school or caring for someone in East Sussex. Please get in touch with us if you know a young carer who needs support or are a young carer yourself.”

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