After holding our successful inaugural golf event in June 2023, Eastbourne Blind Society is pleased to announce that it will be returning to the beautiful Willingdon Golf Club course on Friday 21st June 2024 to go “18 holes” again.
Also returning will be the truly inspirational blind golfer (ranked UK #1 and World #3) Billy McAllister, who will be there to take on all comers on the 7th hole.
We cordially invite you to come and support Eastbourne Blind Society and to not only enjoy a fantastic day’s golf competing against other local businesses, eat the top-quality food and enter the raffle to win some fantastic prizes but to also raise money which will help the charity to continue its crucial work with supporting those in our community with sight loss and vision impairment.
For Team entries, or more details about how you can support this super event please contact hannah@eastbourneblindsociety.org or phone: 01323 729511
Who are Eastbourne Blind Society?
You will find Eastbourne Blind Society (EBS) in Longstone Road Eastbourne. EBS was born in 1923 and its purpose was to support and care for soldiers from Eastbourne who returned from The First World War blinded from Gas attacks, bullets, shrapnel and other injury or trauma. The Eastbourne community came together and helped to rehabilitate these young boys and men, train them, and often offer lifelong support, helping them to adapt to their condition and again contribute to society and live fulfilling lives.
Roll on 101 years, and this local, small, nonprofit charity purpose remains. While the type of support we provide has had to adapt to meet the changing needs of our members, there continues to be an ever-increasing demand for our services and support. EBS provides information, visual aids, and equipment to help maintain independence, advice, emotional support, and social activities. EBS now has 500 + members now under their wing aged from 12 years up to 103 years old.
Our members see EBS a safe place, somewhere they can come and be with their others who face daily struggles with their sight loss and vision impairments, who understand the frustrations, challenges and emotions being diagnosed as sight impaired can bring with it.
EBS consists of a small staff team. We employ 4 Welfare Officers, a Resource Officer, a Low vision Support worker, an Officer manager, a Caretaker, and a Chief Exec. All are dedicated and work hard championing the cause for our members. They are a source of advice on aids and equipment and are able to help teach techniques to assist with everyday life and independence for our members. Where needed we visit or simply keep in contact to ensure all is well and staff are readily available on the phone to offer help and support when called upon to do so.