They are for the River Uck
Flooding is possible for: River Uck and the Framfield, Ridgewood and Tickerage Streams.
Be prepared.
The River Uck is high and rising. 10mm of rain has been recorded at Buxted on Thursday. From 18:00 on 26/09/2024, minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads, and gardens of riverside properties through Buxted, near the White Hart pub, and areas around Hempstead Mill on Hempstead Lane, Uckfield. Water levels in Uckfield will be high near the Roller Mill, Mill Lane, River Way, Bridge Cottage and Bell Walk. From 23:00 on 26/09/2024, flood water could affect fields and gardens at Isfield Mill and Isfield Bridge. River levels should fall again after only a brief period. However, another 10mm of rain could occur on Thursday night and through the early hours of Friday, which could cause river levels to rise again, with minor flood impacts possible from 08:00 on 27/09/2024. The river should finally begin to fall by 14:00 on 27/09/2024 in Buxted, and should return to normal on Friday evening. Flood protection products are recommended to be installed in Buxted and Isfield, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 27/09/2024.
To check the latest information for your area
* Visit the GOV.UK website to see the current flood warnings and view advice on what to do before, during and after a flood: https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/target-area/065WAF442
* Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 using quickdial code: 216105 .
* Follow @EnvAgency and #floodaware on Twitter.