East Sussex County Council have begun public consultation on proposals to reduce and reconfigure some of our social care services for adults.
In a statement the Council said
We'd prefer not to consider these changes, but East Sussex County Council faces a funding gap of up to £55 million next year as the demand for our services, and the cost of providing them, rise steeply.
There are 11 consultations on areas including day services, community support, employment training for people with learning disabilities, supported accommodation, housing support services and drug and alcohol recovery.
We'd like people to tell us how you or your community would be affected by these changes so we can understand the full impact if they went ahead. No decisions have been made yet, but we need to prepare for possible savings in next year's budget.
It's important to stress that we will continue to help everyone entitled to support under the care act. This is a legal duty for all councils and will not be affected by any savings we may seek in other areas (known as 'non-statutory' services).
You can see more information about our funding challenge on our site:
East Sussex: our funding gap.