A Community Governance Review relating to four parishes within Wealden is underway.
The review relates to Westham Parish, Willingdon & Jevington Parish Council, Framfield Parish Council and Ninfield Parish.
Before Wealden District Council can consider the proposals, it needs to hear the views of the local electorate and any other interested people and organisations.
The first stage public consultation is now open and will run until 16th September.
In Westham Parish, a valid petition from 483 electors has been received seeking to establish a separate parish council for the villages of Stone Cross and Hankham.
In relation to Willingdon & Jevington Parish Council, a request has been received seeking to reduce the size of the parish council from 19 to 15 councillors and to consider proposals for changes to ward boundaries, including seeking a Principal Area Review to alter the boundary between Wealden district and Eastbourne borough councils.
Concerning Framfield Parish Council, a request has been received seeking to reduce the size of the parish council from 11 to nine councillors.
Finally, in Ninfield Parish a request has been received seeking a Principal Area Review to alter the boundary between Wealden and Rother district councils thereby incorporating Ninfield parish wholly within the district of Rother.
Wealden District Council, as the principal council, has a statutory duty to carry out a Community Governance Review and is required to ensure that it is reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area; and effective and convenient.
Full details of the Community Governance Review proposals in each area can be viewed via the council’s website https://www.wealden.gov.uk/voting-and-elections/boundary-and-electoral-reviews/community-governance-review-parish-boundaries-and-electoral-arrangements/
First stage public consultation is taking place with local electors and other interested persons or organisations in the areas affected. This stage of the consultation closes on 16th September 2022.
Local government electors in the above areas can submit their views by the online survey via email CGR@wealden.gov.uk or via a letter to CGR Project Manager, Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX.
All representations received will published on the council’s website and reported to the council’s Audit, Finance and Governance Committee on 21st September 2022.
Wealden District Council’s portfolio holder for Governance, Customer Services and HR, said, “The council understands that parish councils play an important role in local decision-making and service delivery and as such there must be clarity and transparency to the areas that parish councils represent.
“There are a number of factors to consider when altering parish areas or governance arrangements. Parish councils have two main roles: community representation and local administration. A parish should reflect a recognisable community, with its own sense of identity.
“We welcome feedback from as many community stakeholders as possible, and I would urge electors in these areas to make their views known via the consultation.”