Stuart Chappell is raiging funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust - report below on the walk which went really well
Day 1 from Folkestone to Rye was 35 miles and took 12 hours. Day 2 from Rye to Eastbourne was 32 miles and also took 12 hours.
Stuart said "It was great to have friends and family join in at different bits along the way with me, so thank you to Trevor, Tracey, Chantelle, and my Mum Christine, and special thanks to my lovely Fiancée Bev, who was around in her car for both days, topping up my supply of water, and also taking people back to their cars after they had walked with me.
The biggest thanks of all though goes to everyone who sponsored me. Seeing donations appearing on my Just Giving page whilst I was walking was such a boost, and certainly helped keep my legs going when they were aching a bit.
Thanks to the generosity of so many kind people, the total raised for Teenage Cancer Trust currently stands at £3305 (a combination of the Just Giving page and donations on the sponsor forms). There is still a bit more to collect so hopefully this will still go up a bit more."
We wish Stuart every sucess with his fundrasiing