The emergency response to a report about suspected chemicals found at an address in St Leonards has now been declared a major incident.
The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team have confirmed chemicals found inside a property on the A259 Marina on Thursday (20 March) are explosive and pose a threat to life. However at this time, it is not believed to be a terror-related incident.
There is a 100-metre cordon in place between Caves Road and Sussex Road, which also extends to some properties to the north in West Hill Road.
Officers have attended all properties within this area and spoken with residents and we continue to urge those who remain within the defined cordon to leave to ensure their own safety.
Well established plans are in place with partners working together as part of the Sussex Resilience Forum in which organisations prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies
Hastings Borough Council has set up a rest centre for displaced residents at the Royal Victoria Hotel, east of the cordon.
The A259 Marina in St Leonards is closed from the junction with Caves Road and Sussex Road.
A 28-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of producing illegal substances and making an explosive substance for an unlawful purpose. He remains in custody at this time.
Superintendent Michelle Palmer-Harris said: “This is a complex but isolated incident, being supported by multiple agencies, resulting in the necessary evacuation of properties immediately surrounding the address for safety reasons. I would like to thank those residents affected and the wider community in St Leonards for their patience and support.
“The declaration of a major incident allows emergency services and other partner agencies to work together effectively to keep the public safe.”