The strike by employees of our waste and street cleaning contractor, Biffa, and whom are members of the GMB union, began today.
A new pay offer was offered by Biffa last week and the GMB union is in the process of balloting its members on whether to accept this and end the strike.
The following are services which are operating in full or in part today:
• Rubbish collections – All rounds scheduled to empty rubbish bins today are working
• Clinical waste and sharps box collections - operating as norma
• Bulky Waste Collections – operating as normal
• Bin deliveries and exchanges – operating as normal
• Street litter bins and dog waste bins – operating as normal
The following are services that are not operating today:
• Garden Waste Collections
• Recycling Collections
You may have a few questions so please see the WDC list of questions and answers https://www.wealden.gov.uk/waste-industrial-action/waste-collection-and-street-cleansing-industrial-action-faqs/ to explain what is happening and why, what the impact may be and, what you can do.