Applications are open to businesses that are eligible for the Omicron Hospitality & Leisure Grant
The latest government scheme was announced on 21 December 2021 in recognition of the rise in the Omicron variant of Coronavirus and the subsequent impact it had and continues to have on those sectors.
The Omicron Hospitality & Leisure Grant is designed to support businesses that offer in-person services, where the main service and activity takes place in a fixed Business Rated premises, within the hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors.
You can apply for the grant by visiting https://wealden.grantapproval.co.uk/
Applications close at midnight on 14 February 2022.
In addition to this grant, Wealden will be introducing a number of Discretionary Grant Schemes over the coming weeks to support other business sectors. Funds for these schemes are limited and at the discretion of the authority.
The council is also accepting applications for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant Top-up – an additional grant for those businesses eligible for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant.
As this is a discretionary fund, eligible businesses are required to make a separate application to the OHLG. Applications can be made through the same portal https://wealden.grantapproval.co.uk/
Applications for the top-up close at midnight on 14 February 2022
There is also a discretionary Personal Care Grant available for businesses which deliver personal care services, such as hairdressing or beauty therapies which have a rates liability and operate from that business premises.
You can apply for the grant by visiting https://wealden.grantapproval.co.uk/
Applications for the Personal Care Grant close at midnight on 31 January 2022.
For more information on the available grants and the eligibility for each of them, visit: Advice, support and information for businesses – Wealden District Council