Wealden District Council are encouraging residents to pledge help as part of The Great British Spring Clean.
The campaign runs from 25 March to 10 April and calls on families, neighbours, friends and colleagues to join forces and pledge to pick a bag of litter. This can be from nearby streets and beauty spots across the District to help protect our vibrant communities and precious wildlife habitats.
In partnership with waste contractor Biffa, the council will support volunteers wanting to participate in the Great British Spring Clean. Litter picking equipment will be provided, and they’ll arrange to remove the litter you collect.
To take part, send an email to springclean@wealden.gov.uk with your name, address and the proposed area you would like to litter pick.
There will be priority given to new groups of volunteers and equipment will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Waste sacks and collection services will be available to all.