An Uckfield housing development will move ahead to the next stage, after sign off from Wealden planners.
On Thursday, Wealden District Council’s Planning Committee North approved a reserved matters application on proposals to build 90 houses on land to the south of Eastbourne Road.
The scheme had previously been considered by committee members in December, but was deferred due to a variety of concerns. These concerns included the layout of the site and design of buildings, as well as desire to see the developer address issues raised by the council’s affordable housing team and East Sussex Highways.
The committee heard how, between the two meetings, the developer had submitted amended plans, which officers considered to address the reasons for deferral.
This view was ultimately shared by the planning committee, which approved the scheme after a short discussion
The development had already been approved in principle, having gained outline planning permission in September 2021. The reserved matters application had been for the detailed elements of the scheme, including its layout, scale, appearance and landscaping.
The development overall is expected to provide 12 one-bed units, 26 two-bed units, 25 three-bed units, 23 four-bed units and four five-bed units. Of these, 32 would be classified as affordable homes.
For further information see application reference WD/2023/0930/MRM on the Wealden District Council website.