East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (WRAS) is running two Volunteer Recruitment days on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th April 2022.
There will be sessions at 10am, 12noon, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm each day and potential volunteers can book themselves on these sessions free of charge to come along and find out more about the work of the charity and the volunteering opportunities.
Each session lasts no longer than an hour in groups of no more than 5 people at the charities Casualty Centre on the A22 at Whitesmith - BN8 6JD - half way between Hailsham, Lewes and Uckfield.
The award winning community charity has been established since 1996 and is now looking to recruit additional volunteers to help with various roles including volunteer receptionists, rescuers, animal care assistants and orphan rearing volunteers all based at the centre in Whitesmith.
The recruitment is taking place primarily to help bolster volunteer numbers as we come out of covid and to help cope with the increased workload the charity now deals with.
"Volunteering at WRAS is so rewarding getting so close to our native wildlife and being able to make a positive difference in their lives and care" said WRAS's Volunteer & Student Work Placement Co-ordinator Ellie Langridge.
Volunteers need to be over 18.
More information can be found at https://wildlifeambulance.org/volunteer-recruitment-days-2/