Latest figures show Wealden District Council’s gender pay gap has closed by circa 10% over the last two years.
The gender pay gap is an equality measure that shows the difference in average earnings between women and men.
The council’s Gender Pay Gap Report shows that in March 2021, the median pay gap was 21.9%, the following year it reduced to 15.5% and in this current year, reduced even further to 12.5%.
Men and women working at the council who are doing the same job, receive the same rate of pay. Flexible working hours and patterns, caring commitments outside of work and salary sacrifice arrangements are some of the reasons why female salaries at the council are lower and impact the pay gap.
The council has introduced a number of measures to close the pay gap even further. These include coaching and training sessions, a mid-life and menopause network, and reviewing recruitment practices and drawing up policies related to miscarriage, neo-natal care and premature birth, fertility, and menopause. Leadership and management development opportunities for female staff is among the future measures proposed.
Councillor Richard Hallett, Wealden’s portfolio holder for HR, said, "Men and women at the council are paid equally for the job that they do, regardless of their gender. Over time the council is successfully closing the gender pay gap, which is something that should be celebrated.
“The council's Internal Equalities Group welcomed the circa 10% reduction in the pay gap over the last two years, and endorsed the recommended activities for closing the gender pay gap even further.”
In a recent portfolio holder report, Councillor Hallett agreed to recognise the positive impact recent actions have made on the gender pay gap, support recommended future actions and to approve the analysis ahead of publishing the gender pay gap data on the government portal to fulfil legal obligation to do so.