An open day at Wealden Crematorium saw more than 150 people from all over the district and beyond come and take a look ‘behind the curtain’.
The event at the Wealden District Council facility in Horam was held to demystify cremation and saw the intrigued public discover every step of the cremation process as well as meet the friendly staff, and ask any questions they had about the range of services to promote the celebration of life.
All were welcomed at the facility and served refreshments. Among the guests were council chairman Councillor Ron Reed, fellow councillors and the council’s new Head of Waste, Assets and Crematorium Chris Bone.
Councillor Philip Lunn, portfolio holder for economic development, said, “We were delighted to welcome the public to Wealden Crematorium’s open day.”
“It’s clear that the public have a great interest and that the open days at the crematorium are essential for the district and beyond to dispel the myths surrounding the cremation process.”
Wealden Crematorium is set in 25 acres of Sussex countryside in Horam, and people do not have to be from the Wealden district to use its range of services.